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Create Connection

We all know that...

Caught in the recurring spirals of arguments that take your time and energy. (in a partnership, daily family life or at work) Sometimes you just can't find a way out. Then it´s helpful to seek professional help from outside.

The mediation process helps to unravel conflict, emphasize one's own interests and needs and in the end, to reach a mutual and constructive solution.

My job as a mediator is to structure the process of conflict resolution, to support you in perceiving the point of view of the other party/en  and to promote an understanding of the different perspectives.

I don't preset anything, as the parties know the conflict best and often already have the solution within themselves.

My Position remains neutral.

I think it's important to mention that mediation is forward-looking, and that work is done with an eye to the future.

I encourage you to have your own tools at hand in the future so that you can act more constructively in conflicts and disputes.

Mediation only makes sense if all parties involved in the conflict take part voluntarily. It can be interrupted and stopped at any time.

Confidentiality is a fundamental rule, I do not pass on any information.

Benefits of Mediation

  • Mediation can also be used preventively e.g. when founding a company / start-up / founding a blended family

  • flexible Solutions  (can be adjusted again at a later date)

  • less time consuming thancourt proceedings

  • more sustainable, since the solutions are not dictated from outside

  • cooperative rather than confrontational

  • releases energy again (especially in the working world, many resources are blocked by unresolved conflicts)

  • cheaper than going to court

Principles of Mediation


personal responsibility

future orientation


neutrality / impartiality


Oft ist es so, dass eine Partei (noch) nicht bereit ist für eine Mediation.

Dann bietet sich die Möglichkeit der Konfliktberatung an.

Hier helfe ich Ihnen im Einzelgespräch Klarheit darüber zu finden, was die Hintergründe des Konflikts sind und was in Ihrer Hand liegt, um die Auseinandersetzung zu lösen.

Um wieder in die Kraft und Energie zukommen um konstruktiv miteinander zu arbeiten oder zusammenzuleben.

Darüber hinaus biete ich 1:1 Coachings an. Mehr dazu unter Coaching.

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